Gracie! 14 years old

In 1939 Gracie Fields, the 'Queen of Hearts', is at the height of her success as a singer and actress and the whole nation seems to wish her a speedy recovery from cervical cancer. When World War Two breaks out, Gracie sings for the troops despite poor health, to the dismay of her fussy husband, film director Monty Banks, an Italian, born Mario Bianchi. With Italy's entry into the war Monty is in danger of being interned so Gracie consents to his moving to America whilst she tours Canada, fund-raising for the war effort. She is accused of deserting the country which made her famous and booed offstage, though she later tours battlefields as a singer. With the war over she regains popularity, performing 'Take Me To Your Heart Again' at the London Palladium. Banks dies in 1950 and, though still a successful singer, Gracie never regains her pre-war iconic status.


Gracie! Cast

Name Character
Tony Haygarth He was 64, 72 years old when he died as Fred Stansfield
Jane Horrocks She was 45, now 60 years old as Gracie Fields
Alistair Petrie He was 39, now 53 years old as Basil Dean
Ed Coleman He was 107, 62 years old when he died as Soldier/Journalist
Tom Hollander He was 42, now 57 years old as Monty Banks
Ruth Kearney She was 20, now 35 years old as Miriam
Philip Desmeules as Reporter 3
Nigel Whitmey He was 46, now 61 years old as Reporter 2

Gracie! Crew

Name Department
Rob Lane as Original Music Composer. Sound
Brian Percival as Director. He was 47 (now 62) years old Directing
Nick Vivian as Writer. He was 45 (now 60) years old Writing
Adam Recht as Editor. Editing
Gracie! poster
Gracie! (14 years)

  • Release day: Monday, November 23, 2009