Grand Masters of Wrestling: First Blood Vol. 2 18 years old

The stars of pro-wrestling are out and they're ready to pummel anyone who steps in the ring. You" be screaming and cheering for your favorites such as King Kong Bundy, Iron Mike Sharp, and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Watch exciting matches as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews you can't find anywhere else!


Grand Masters of Wrestling: First Blood Vol. 2 Cast

Name Character
Christopher Alan Pallies He was 48, 61 years old when he died
Baron von Raschke was 65, now 83 years old
Jimmy Snuka He was 63, 73 years old when he died as Jimmy Snuka

Grand Masters of Wrestling: First Blood Vol. 2 Crew

Name Department
Grand Masters of Wrestling: First Blood Vol. 2 poster
Grand Masters of Wrestling: First Blood Vol. 2 (18 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 01, 2006
  • Runtime: 60 minutes