Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream 11 years old

Sunshine Daydream is a concert film starring the Grateful Dead. On a blistering summer day in 1972, the Grateful Dead took the stage on the grounds of the Oregon Country Fair in Veneta, Oregon. for what would become one of the most legendary concerts of the band’s storied history. Considered to be the Merry Pranksters last "Acid Test", the concert offers a snapshot of the band at the peak of its playing prowess. The setlist that day included memorable performance of "Sugaree, " "Deal, " "Black-Throated Wind, " "Greatest Story Ever Told, " "Bird Song" and a mind-melting version of "Dark Star" that stretches over 30 minutes. The show, which was recorded and filmed but never released, has since become the most-requested live show in Grateful Dead history. A digitally remastered and reedited official version of the film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on September 17, 2013.


Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream Cast

Name Character
Jerry Garcia He was 71, 53 years old when he died as Self
Keith Godchaux He was 65, 32 years old when he died as Self
Bill Kreutzmann He was 67, now 78 years old as Self
Phil Lesh He was 73, now 84 years old as Self
Grateful Dead was 48, now 59 years old as Self

Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream Crew

Name Department
Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream poster
Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream (11 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, August 01, 2013
  • Runtime: 102 minutes