Großer Mann ganz klein! 11 years old

Ina Hofmann works in a toy factory. To welcome her egocentric new boss, she gift him a live fish, unaware that a mysterious man had cursed it. Her boss becomes small as a toy.


Großer Mann ganz klein! Cast

Name Character
Sonja Kirchberger She was 48, now 59 years old as Simone
Felicitas Woll She was 33, now 44 years old as Ina Hofmann
Stephan Luca He was 38, now 50 years old as Alex Kaiser
Thomas Kügel He was 54, now 65 years old as Andreas
Michael Markfort He was 50, now 62 years old as Abraham
Michael Markfort He was 50, now 62 years old as Alberich

Großer Mann ganz klein! Crew

Name Department
Sebastian Vigg as Director. He was 47 (now 59) years old Directing
Thomas Klemm as Camera Operator. He was 51 (now 62) years old Camera
Thomas Klemm as Music. He was 51 (now 62) years old Sound
Großer Mann ganz klein! poster
Großer Mann ganz klein! (11 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, May 07, 2013