Hard 'N Heavy Volume 4 35 years old

Video magazine with interviews and video clips. Featured on this volume is: Skid Row, Bon Jovi, Vixen, Europe, Great White, LA Guns, Aerosmith, Danzig, Mr Big, Sacred Reich, Faster Pussycats, Thin Lizzy, Brighton Rock, Ezo, Stage Dolls, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Overkill & more.


Hard 'N Heavy Volume 4 Cast

Name Character
Gene Simmons He was 39, now 75 years old as Himself
Marty Callner He was 39, now 74 years old as Himself
Brian Robertson He was 32, now 68 years old as Himself

Hard 'N Heavy Volume 4 Crew

Name Department
Hard 'N Heavy Volume 4 poster
Hard 'N Heavy Volume 4 (35 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1989
  • Runtime: 80 minutes