Third installment of the "Gakko No Kaidan" series follows the trek of several elementary school students as they wander into an alternate world that exists on the opposite side of a school mirror. Nishida Naomi (the hapless teacher in "Gakko No Kaidan 2") returns as the teacher who accompanies the children on their journey into the surreal universe.
Haunted School 3 Cast
Haunted School 3 Crew
Name |
Department |
Shusuke Kaneko as Director. He was 42 (now 69) years old
Directing |
Shusuke Kaneko as Writer. He was 42 (now 69) years old
Writing |
Hideyuki Takai as Executive Producer. He was 56 (now 83) years old
Production |
Michiru Shimada as Writer. She was 38 (now 65) years old
Writing |