Ikaw Pa Rin: Bongga Ka Boy! 16 years old

Dra. Baby Holmes is a veterenarian who left her long time boyfriend after she discovered he has been deceiving her. Realizing that her biological clock is ticking fast, she desperately searches for the perfect guy who will mary her. Roberto “BOY” Reye is a single fireman with a son born out of wedluck. Generous to a fault, Boy is considered a small town hero. Every time someone needs help, the entire neighbourhood runs to him. By chance, Baby saves Boy’s life and to show his gratitude, he offers her anything in return, She then asks Boy to give her a child. Boy thinks she’s just joking but Baby is dead serious. However, Boy discovered that he is beginning to love Baby and her many quirks. Unable to bear the guilt, Baby suddenly leaves him.


Ikaw Pa Rin: Bongga Ka Boy! Cast

Name Character
Allen Dizon
Debraliz as Debraliz
Eugene Domingo She was 36, now 53 years old as Sheila
John Lapus He was 34, now 51 years old
DJ Durano He was 42, now 59 years old
Ai-Ai de las Alas She was 43, now 59 years old as Dra. Baby Holmes (as Ai Ai delas Alas)
Andrew Schimmer
Robin Padilla He was 38, now 54 years old as Roberto 'Boy' Reyes
Edgar Allan Guzman He was 18, now 34 years old

Ikaw Pa Rin: Bongga Ka Boy! Crew

Name Department
Mel Mendoza-Del Rosario as Story. Writing
Ikaw Pa Rin: Bongga Ka Boy! poster
Ikaw Pa Rin: Bongga Ka Boy! (16 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, May 14, 2008
  • Runtime: 100 minutes