Illtown 28 years old

Dante and his girlfrend Micky run a very profitable drug operation in a seaside town, aided and abetted by a host of teens who sell the smack at discos around town, as well as by Lucas, a corrupt cop who's on the take. Their downfall comes when they suspect one of the boys, Pep, of ripping them off, and his accidental death causes disloyalty among the teens, who suspect Dante offed them. All of this is perfect for the return of Gabriel, a one-time partner of Dante, who has just been released from jail, and has an almost angelic demeanor and the certainty that he can fix everyone's lives.


Illtown Cast

Name Character
Oscar Isaac He was 18, now 45 years old as Pool Boy
Angela Featherstone She was 32, now 59 years old as Lilly
Tony Danza He was 46, now 73 years old as D'Avalon
Lili Taylor She was 30, now 57 years old as Micky
Adam Trese He was 29, now 55 years old as Gabriel
Michael Rapaport He was 27, now 54 years old as Dante
Isaac Hayes He was 55, 65 years old when he died as George
Kevin Corrigan He was 28, now 55 years old as Francis (Cisco)

Illtown Crew

Name Department
Tracy Granger as Editor. She was 41 (now 67) years old Editing
Brian Keane as Original Music Composer. He was 44 (now 71) years old Sound
Nick Gomez as Director. He was 34 (now 61) years old Directing
Nick Gomez as Writer. He was 34 (now 61) years old Writing
Illtown poster
Illtown (28 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, July 09, 1996
  • Runtime: 103 minutes