Is There Anybody There? 48 years old

A beautiful woman, Kate (Tina Grenville), is released from a sanatorium unaware that while she was away her husband John (George Lazenby) has begun an affair with her sister Marianne (Wendy Hughes). The two sisters live together in a creepy apartment block while John is away, and find themselves stalked by some mysterious strangers.


Is There Anybody There? Cast

Name Character
Wendy Hughes She was 22, 61 years old when she died as Marianne Dickinson
Patrick Ward He was 25, 69 years old when he died as Duncan
Charles Tingwell He was 52, 86 years old when he died as Redwood
George Lazenby He was 35, now 84 years old as John Hersey
Chantal Contouri She was 26, now 75 years old as Rosa

Is There Anybody There? Crew

Name Department
Peter Maxwell as Director. He was 54 (92) years old when He died Directing
Is There Anybody There? (48 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 24, 1976
  • Runtime: 71 minutes