Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out! 14 years old

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE alum and WEEDS star Kevin Nealon focuses his wry wit on such universal issues as aging, having children, and conflict avoidance in this stand-up comedy special featuring a guest appearance by famed comic Garry Shandling.


Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out! Cast

Name Character
Garry Shandling He was 59, 66 years old when he died as Himself
Kevin Nealon He was 55, now 70 years old as Kevin Nealon
Jo Koy He was 38, now 53 years old as Stage Manager
Susan Yeagley She was 37, now 52 years old as Herself

Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out! Crew

Name Department
Michael Green as Executive Producer. Production
Brent Carpenter as Editor. He was 108 (now 123) years old Editing
Andy Signore as Director. Directing
Kevin Nealon as Executive Producer. He was 55 (now 70) years old Production
Kevin Nealon as Writer. He was 55 (now 70) years old Writing
Gary Binkow as Director. Directing
Gary Binkow as Executive Producer. Production
Neal Marshall as Producer. He was 40 (now 55) years old Production
Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out! poster
Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out! (14 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 04, 2009
  • Runtime: 72 minutes