Killer Queen! 22 years old

This is a new documentary on Queen, and features new interviews with Brian and Roger, footage from the 'We Will Rock You' musical, and other unseen footage, including excerpts from rare Solo promo videos. Any new or rare footage is shown in red. First broadcast on 1st June 2002 on Channel 4 as part of 'Queen Night'. Director / Producer : Nick Cory-Wright. Narrator : Arabella Weir


Killer Queen! Cast

Name Character
Freddie Mercury He was 55, 45 years old when he died
Brian May He was 54, 49 years old when he died
John Deacon He was 50, now 72 years old
Roger Taylor (Duran Duran drummer) He was 42, now 64 years old

Killer Queen! Crew

Name Department
Nick Cory-Wright as Director. Directing
Killer Queen! poster
Killer Queen! (22 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, June 01, 2002
  • Runtime: 92 minutes