Kizumomo. 16 years old

Aki, who loves freedom, mets Masaya, an aspiring watchmaker. The two have opposite personalities and initially clash. The two reach better terms when Masaya is able to see Akis inner pain. Eventually, Masaya uncovers Akis sad past which was supposed to be held secret from everyone.


Kizumomo. Cast

Name Character
Katsuya Kobayashi He was 26, now 42 years old
Kaoru Mizuki She was 49, now 65 years old
Junkichi Orimoto He was 81, 92 years old when he died
Masahiro Komoto He was 43, now 59 years old
Yūta Furukawa He was 21, now 37 years old
Ryûnosuke Kawai

Kizumomo. Crew

Name Department
Kizumomo. poster
Kizumomo. (16 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, September 06, 2008
  • Runtime: 70 minutes