Kremlin secrets of the XVI century (Кремлёвские тайны XVI века) 33 years old

Spring of 1584. The Magi predict the death of King John within 24 hours. Warring boyars are rebelling and are ready to unite against Boris Godunov. The royal court is in turmoil. The already unstable moral principles become completely unbridled. Moscow is filled with violence, drunken orgies and the wild revelry of tsarist power.


Kremlin secrets of the XVI century Cast

Name Character
Aleksey Serebryakov He was 26, now 60 years old
Vladimir Steklov He was 127, 62 years old when he died
Bogdan Stupka He was 49, 70 years old when he died
Viktor Rakov He was 29, now 62 years old
Aleksei Loktev He was 51, 66 years old when he died
Aleksei Zharkov He was 42, 68 years old when he died
Mikhail Zhigalov He was 48, now 82 years old
Vytautas Paukštė He was 58, now 91 years old
Aleksandr Yakovlev He was 45, 70 years old when he died

Kremlin secrets of the XVI century Crew

Name Department
Aleksei Tolstoy as Writer. He was 108 (62) years old when He died Writing
Maria Solovyova as Camera Operator. She was 24 (now 58) years old Camera
Viktor Merezhko as Writer. He was 53 (now 87) years old Writing
Kremlin secrets of the XVI century poster
Kremlin secrets of the XVI century (33 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, February 09, 1991
  • Runtime: 102 minutes