Embarrassing pictures from a family album (Krępujące zdjęcia z rodzinnego albumu czyli zniszczona wątroba i złamane serce) 6 years old

Embarrassing pictures from a family album

Totally depressed thirty year-old woman decides to have an abortion. Waiting for the surgery, she spends a night with a father of her child.


Embarrassing pictures from a family album Cast

Name Character
Łukasz Simlat He was 40, now 46 years old as Lukas
Łukasz Simlat He was 40, now 46 years old
Mirosław Zbrojewicz He was 61, now 67 years old as Father
Grzegorz Kwiecień He was 31, now 38 years old as Director
Wojciech Solarz He was 84, now 90 years old
Wojciech Solarz He was 84, now 90 years old as Wojtek

Embarrassing pictures from a family album Crew

Name Department
Embarrassing pictures from a family album poster
Embarrassing pictures from a family album (6 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, July 24, 2018