Kungen kommer 88 years old

Kungen kommer

A travelling theater-company performs Offenbach's "The Beautiful Helene" when an officer in the audience notices the similarity in appearance between the leading actor Leonard Pettersson and the king Charles XV.With Pettersson dressed as the king and the other actors as the royal suite, they all go to Herrsunda castle where the officer is trying to make an impression on his fiance.


Kungen kommer Cast

Name Character
Håkan Westergren He was 36, 82 years old when he died as Charles-Emile Spaak
George Fant He was 19, 81 years old when he died as Young man at the royal ball
Maritta Marke She was 30, 78 years old when she died as Anette
John Melin He was 40, 70 years old when he died as Guest at the royal ball
Emil Fjellström He was 51, 59 years old when he died as Unit manager
Gösta Ekman He was 3, 77 years old when he died as Leonard Pettersson
John Ekman He was 55, 69 years old when he died as Blom
Thor Modéen He was 38, 52 years old when he died as Alexander Dryselius
Bellan Roos She was 34, 88 years old when she died as Maid with a hen
Georg Fernquist He was 52, 71 years old when he died as King's footman
Olav Riégo was 44, 65 years old when died as Gentleman at the royal court
Hilding Gavle He was 34, 67 years old when he died as Ajax 1
Gull Natorp She was 56, 82 years old when she died as Adèle Löwencreutz
Nils Wahlbom He was 49, 50 years old when he died as Casimir Löwencreutz
Birgit Tengroth She was 20, 68 years old when she died as Marie-Louise Löwencreutz
Åke Ohberg He was 30, 69 years old when he died as Carl Henrik von Grimm
Hugo Tranberg He was 50, 72 years old when he died as Parish constable
Wiktor Andersson He was 48, 79 years old when he died as Ajax 2
Stina Ståhle She was 28, 63 years old when she died as Actress
Olga Andersson She was 59, 67 years old when she died as Countess Ehrencrona
Helga Brofeldt She was 54, 86 years old when she died as Guest at the royal ball
Tollie Zellman She was 48, 77 years old when she died as Sophie Strååk
Theodor Berthels He was 43, 59 years old when he died as Browander
Semmy Friedmann He was 45, 73 years old when he died as Italian fireworks expert
Rolf Botvid He was 20, 82 years old when he died as Guest at the royal ball
Ingeborg Strandin She was 55, 67 years old when she died

Kungen kommer Crew

Name Department
Oscar Rosander as Editor. He was 34 (69) years old when He died Editing
Ragnar Hyltén-Cavallius as Director. He was 50 (84) years old when He died Directing
Ragnar Hyltén-Cavallius as Writer. He was 50 (84) years old when He died Writing
Lorens Marmstedt as Production Manager. He was 27 (57) years old when He died Production
Elner Åkesson as Director of Photography. He was 46 (72) years old when He died Camera
Arne Åkermark as Production Design. He was 34 (60) years old when He died Art
Allan Egnell as Production Design. He was 51 (76) years old when He died Art
Kungen kommer poster
Kungen kommer (88 years)

  • Release day: Monday, March 23, 1936
  • Runtime: 81 minutes