La dama del alba 74 years old

Family rescues a woman from the river nearby where their daughter committed suicide years before. Unresolved mysteries. And meanwhile, there's a mysterious woman in black who shows up at the hacienda just before somebody dies.


La dama del alba Cast

Name Character
Emilio Tuero He was 37, 59 years old when he died
Andrés Soler He was 51, 70 years old when he died
Prudencia Grifell She was 70, 90 years old when she died
Marga López She was 25, 81 years old when she died
María Douglas She was 27, 51 years old when she died
Beatriz Aguirre She was 24, 94 years old when she died

La dama del alba Crew

Name Department
Emilio Gómez Muriel as Director. He was 40 (75) years old when He died Directing
La dama del alba poster
La dama del alba (74 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, February 25, 1950
  • Runtime: 88 minutes