The Useless Death of My Pal, Manolo (La inútil muerte de mi socio Manolo) 34 years old

Cheo visits his friend, Manolo, who he hasn't seen for many years. They drink to celebrate their reunion and fondly recall the times they spent together in years past. As they reminisce, the two friends confront the revolution, evaluate their lives, and bare their souls.


The Useless Death of My Pal, Manolo Cast

Name Character
Mario Balmaseda He was 48, now 83 years old as Manolo

The Useless Death of My Pal, Manolo Crew

Name Department
The Useless Death of My Pal, Manolo poster
The Useless Death of My Pal, Manolo (34 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, December 05, 1989
  • Runtime: 84 minutes