Law of Corruption (Мужской сезон: Бархатная революция) 18 years old

Events of the film take place in both hemispheres. Presidents of countries, bosses of drug cartels, special agents and powerful secret service agencies from all around the world are the first hand participants of its events. The film begins with an account of a shocking yet quite ordinary skirmish - an average drug kin pin is beating one of his assistants with a golf club with a purpose of educating him, because the assistant's cell phone was quite unlawfully confiscated by an overly diligent secret service agent. The mutilated gangster understands the incommensurability of his guilt and the level of his fault, and becomes the first character who asks the question: What do we know about the world we live in?


Law of Corruption Cast

Name Character
Viktoriya Tolstoganova was 33, now 52 years old as Vershinin's Wife
Michael Madsen He was 48, now 66 years old as American
Mikhail Gorevoy He was 40, now 59 years old as Clerk
Vasiliy Livanov He was 70, now 88 years old as Shuvalov
Oleg Taktarov He was 38, now 56 years old as Skala
Igor Jijikine He was 40, now 58 years old as Pike
Aleksei Kravchenko He was 36, now 54 years old as Vershinin
Yuri Kolokolnikov He was 24, now 43 years old as Podsledstvenniy
Arnis Licitis He was 59, now 78 years old as Killer
Oskar Kuchera He was 31, now 49 years old as Barman
Aleksandr Karpov He was 87, 27 years old when he died as Berdyaev

Law of Corruption Crew

Name Department
Oleg Stepchenko as Director. He was 41 (now 59) years old Directing
Oleg Stepchenko as Screenplay. He was 41 (now 59) years old Writing
Aleksandr Karpov as Screenplay. He was 87 (27) years old when He died Writing
Maria Solovyova as Cinematography. She was 39 (now 58) years old Crew
Law of Corruption poster
Law of Corruption (18 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 15, 2005
  • Runtime: 117 minutes