Baby Blues (Le boiteux: Baby blues) 25 years old

One hot summer's day in a little french town, a building worker accidentally finds the skeleton of a newborn baby and calls the police. Detective Jacques Deveure (Vincent Winterhalter) is placed in charge of the investigation. His investigation uncovers evidence of numerous shady dealings, revealing a strange underbelly of the private lives of a cadre of people including Grandier (Francois Berleand) and Blandine Piancet (Audrey Tautou). This multi-layered story continually unveils new twists and turns.


Baby Blues Cast

Name Character
Audrey Tautou She was 22, now 48 years old as Blandine Piancet
François Berléand He was 46, now 72 years old as Granier
Laura del Sol She was 37, now 62 years old as Louisa
Brigitte Roüan She was 52, now 77 years old as Véronique Troney
Vincent Winterhalter He was 34, now 59 years old as Deveure

Baby Blues Crew

Name Department
Baby Blues poster
Baby Blues (25 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 03, 1999
  • Runtime: 90 minutes