Le sphinx 28 years old

A school teacher falls in love with a stripper/singer. He even leaves his wife and children for her. He soon spends a lot of time at the club where he works part-time as the M.C.. But the owner, a mobster, interferes in the relationship which brings fear and violence into the game.


Le sphinx Cast

Name Character
Céline Bonnier She was 30, now 59 years old as Angie
Marc Messier He was 48, now 77 years old as Réal Prescott
Serge Thériault He was 47, now 76 years old as Carbone
Sylvie Drapeau She was 33, now 62 years old as Jojo

Le sphinx Crew

Name Department
Louis Saïa as Director. Directing
Le sphinx poster
Le sphinx (28 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 22, 1995
  • Runtime: 109 minutes