Leningrad. November (Ленинград. Ноябрь) 33 years old

After a ten year long stay in West Germany, Max returns to the Soviet Union to visit his deadly ill father in Leningrad. There he finds a friend in a man who calls himself Igor and he begins a love-affair with the deafmute Lena. Around Max' relationship to his father, Igor and Lena, losely held episodes give a many fasetted portrait of Leningrad and its inhabitants. In the eyes of the returning Max, the city is at once well-known and foreign. Lyrically saturated images and sophisticated editing contributes to making the film an expressive description of a changing city.


Leningrad. November Cast

Name Character
Mikhail Dementyev
Nikita Mikhajlovsky
Natalya Kolyakanova She was 35, now 69 years old
Gregory Hlady He was 35, now 69 years old
Georgiy Teykh He was 84, 85 years old when he died

Leningrad. November Crew

Name Department
Leningrad. November poster
Leningrad. November (33 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 08, 1990
  • Runtime: 86 minutes