Les ailes brisées 91 years old

Fabrège is a ladies' man. His friend Pascal, at the circle, evokes these conquests, among others Denise Lamblin for whom he fought a duel and this other woman for whom he stayed an entire night, in the pouring rain, under his windows. While the next day they have to take the train together, at the sight of a female figure on the station platform, Fabrège changes trains and sets out to conquer the beautiful stranger. Arrived in Cannes, they go down to the Miramar hotel and their idyll begins.


Les ailes brisées Cast

Name Character
Victor Francen He was 44, 89 years old when he died
Abel Tarride He was 68, 85 years old when he died
Alice Field She was 29, 66 years old when she died

Les ailes brisées Crew

Name Department
André Berthomieu as Director. He was 30 (57) years old when He died Directing
Les ailes brisées poster
Les ailes brisées (91 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 15, 1933
  • Runtime: 74 minutes