Lettera napoletana 70 years old

Warehouseman "Franco" is set up by the son of his boss for robbery and cigarette smuggling. Can he prove his innocence and rescue his relationship with "Anna"?


Lettera napoletana Cast

Name Character
Virna Lisi She was 17, 78 years old when she died
Rosalia Maggio She was 33, 74 years old when she died
Otello Toso was 40, 52 years old when died
Giacomo Rondinella He was 30, 91 years old when he died
Lia Orlandini She was 58, 83 years old when she died

Lettera napoletana Crew

Name Department
Giorgio Pàstina as Director. He was 49 (51) years old when He died Directing
Lettera napoletana poster
Lettera napoletana (70 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, July 11, 1954
  • Runtime: 92 minutes