Living pictures (Levande bilder) 51 years old

A film based on Fritiof Nilsson Piraten's short story "Lefvande bilder" - a story about when the movies came to the author's childhood village.


Living pictures Cast

Name Character
Ernst Günther He was 39, 66 years old when he died as The policeman
Göthe Grefbo He was 51, 69 years old when he died as The bicycle repair man
Georg Årlin He was 56, 75 years old when he died as Narrator (voice)
Stig Järrel He was 62, 88 years old when he died as The priest
Hanny Schedin She was 72, 76 years old when she died as The mother
Hans Lindgren He was 40, 80 years old when he died as Mr Sjöland
Tor Isedal He was 48, 65 years old when he died as The teacher

Living pictures Crew

Name Department
Lasse Björne as Director of Photography. He was 46 (86) years old when He died Camera
Ingemar Ejve as Editor. He was 42 (75) years old when He died Editing
Mats Arehn as Director. He was 26 (now 78) years old Directing
Mats Arehn as Writer. He was 26 (now 78) years old Writing
Gert Nyman as Writer. Writing
Living pictures (51 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 01, 1973
  • Runtime: 32 minutes