Линия жизни 28 years old

Линия жизни

The godfather of the Russian mafia named "Papa" has prepared Philip for the role of a large French businessman who allegedly wants to invest large sums in the construction of a cotton processing plant in one Central Asian republic of the former Soviet Union ... But in this fraudulent operation there is an indispensable condition - Nurali - the regional mafiosi - must give a large amount in currency to a "businessman" as a guarantee of the forthcoming deal.


Линия жизни Cast

Name Character
Dmitriy Pevtsov
Vincent Pérez He was 31, now 60 years old
Aleksandr Baluev He was 37, now 65 years old

Линия жизни Crew

Name Department
Линия жизни poster
Линия жизни (28 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, March 27, 1996
  • Runtime: 100 minutes