Little Death (La petite mort) 29 years old

Little Death

Family ties. Paul is an artist, his current project is to take photos of the faces of men during orgasm. He lives with Martial, his lover. His sister Camille, who's running the family business, takes Paul to the hospital to see their father, who is dying. Paul hasn't seen him in six years, and all his life has believed his father thinks he's ugly and perhaps not even his child. There's no deathbed reconciliation, but subsequent exchanges of Paul with Martial and with Camille bring opportunities for growth and change to this temperamental and self-pitying young man.


Little Death Cast

Name Character
Camille Japy She was 31, now 56 years old as Camille
Martial Jacques as Martial
François Delaive as Paul
Michel Beaujard as Le père

Little Death Crew

Name Department
Olivier Delbosc as Producer. He was 31 (now 56) years old Production
Marc Missonnier as Producer. He was 29 (now 53) years old Production
François Ozon as Director. He was 32 (now 56) years old Directing
Little Death poster
Little Death (29 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1995
  • Runtime: 25 minutes