Long Live Freedom (Živela svoboda!) 36 years old

Old man Repovz recalls experiences of the WWII in an entertaining, comic way rather than tragic. A man breaks his arm to avoid being drafted; the other man shoots fire to scare enemy soldiers; love stories, as well as troubles with forced collectivization took place there. A partisan hero finds out that he lost her fiancee, but somewhat cheers up when his white horse comes back to him...


Long Live Freedom Cast

Name Character
Demeter Bitenc He was 65, 95 years old when he died as Župan
Dare Valič He was 46, now 83 years old as Sovinc
Brane Gruber as Parni Jan
Boris Kralj He was 58, 66 years old when he died as Primarij
​Ljubiša Samardžić He was 50, 80 years old when he died as Komandant
Judita Zidar She was 27, now 64 years old as Marjana

Long Live Freedom Crew

Name Department
Long Live Freedom poster
Long Live Freedom (36 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 28, 1987
  • Runtime: 93 minutes