Los dos matones 40 years old

That cartel guy wants to buy the Terraza family's ranch, but they don't want to sell. Can they hold out till their tough-guy older brother comes home to take charge of this situation?


Los dos matones Cast

Name Character
Rebeca Silva
Víctor Alcocer He was 66, 67 years old when he died
Mario Almada He was 61, 94 years old when he died
Julio Alemán He was 49, 78 years old when he died
Eric del Castillo He was 53, now 94 years old
Carlos Cardán He was 51, 83 years old when he died
Víctor Junco He was 66, 71 years old when he died

Los dos matones Crew

Name Department
Los dos matones poster
Los dos matones (40 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, November 16, 1983
  • Runtime: 95 minutes