Los torturados 67 years old

A parapolice force within Peronism is dedicated to reducing and extorting all kinds of opponents, among whom a few rise up to denounce what is happening. Although the film has propaganda purposes that deliberately ignore part of reality, it is based on documented cases, such as those of the student Ernesto Mario Bravo or the trade union leader Cipriano Reyes.


Los torturados Cast

Name Character
Carlos Benso
Tito Alonso He was 30, 53 years old when he died as Ernesto Mario Bravo
Luis Otero He was 45, now 113 years old as José
Oscar Valicelli He was 41, 84 years old when he died as Raúl

Los torturados Crew

Name Department
Los torturados poster
Los torturados (67 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, October 18, 1956
  • Runtime: 73 minutes