Married Life: The Movie 30 years old

This satiric comedy concerns a documentary filmmaker (Ken Finkleman) who has brought a camera crew into the home of a typical couple (Robert Cait and Karen Hines) to record the drama of their daily lives. However, the filmmaker soon discovers their daily lives aren't especially interesting, and soon he finds himself deliberately throwing chaos into their path in hopes of making for a more exciting movie. Married Life: The Movie was originally produced as a weekly television series, with four episodes re-edited into this feature; the show's director and star, Ken Finkleman, later went on to create the award-winning Canadian sitcom The Newsroom.


Married Life: The Movie Cast

Name Character
Ken Finkleman He was 48, now 78 years old
Jeremy Hotz He was 30, now 61 years old
Karen Hines She was 31, now 61 years old

Married Life: The Movie Crew

Name Department
Married Life: The Movie (30 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 1994
  • Runtime: 120 minutes