Mascaro, Hunter of the Americas (Máscaro: el cazador americano) 32 years old

Oreste is a man in the thirties and looks somewhat disheveled. One day, he decides to leave the small port of Arenales where he has lived to leave without a certain direction aboard 'El Mañana', a dilapidated steamboat. Moments before sailing, you will meet two strange characters: Prince Patagón and Mascaró. Together, they will sail the sea and will have to face many challenges.


Mascaro, Hunter of the Americas Cast

Name Character
Carlos Cruz

Mascaro, Hunter of the Americas Crew

Name Department
Mascaro, Hunter of the Americas poster
Mascaro, Hunter of the Americas (32 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, January 01, 1992
  • Runtime: 98 minutes