Mein Engel 10 years old

Jelena and her mother Vera left Russia 20 years ago to come to Germany. Since this time, they’ve been living together in a tiny two bedroom appartment. Vera is almost 70 now and unable to accept reality in Germany. In her mind, she still lives in Russia, where she was a famous dancer. She gave up everything to allow her daughter to make her career in the west. But Jelena only managed to get a job as a dance teacher for chubby little girls…


Mein Engel Cast

Name Character
Katerina Medvedeva She was 45, now 56 years old

Mein Engel Crew

Name Department
Mein Engel poster
Mein Engel (10 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Runtime: 10 minutes