Men from the Monastery (少林子弟) 50 years old

Shaolin firebrands Fang Shih-yu, Hung His-kuan, and Hu Huei-chien are as famous in Asia as the Three Musketeers are in America and Europe. So when the “godfather of the kung-fu film,” Chang Cheh decided to tell their stories with Alexander Fu Sheng, Chen Kuan-tai, and Chi Kuan-chi in the roles, it was cause for celebration. The resulting film is one of the most lauded and beloved in the director’s filmography, and remains a highlight in all the stars’ careers.


Men from the Monastery Cast

Name Character
Chen Kuan-tai He was 28, now 78 years old as Hung Hsi-kuan
Alexander Fu Sheng He was 19, 28 years old when he died as Fang Shih-yu
Chi Kuan-chun He was 24, now 75 years old as Hu Hui-chien
Chiang Tao He was 31, now 82 years old as Gao Jin Zhong
Lo Dik as Feng Dao De
Lam Fai-Wong as Li Er Wan
Wong Ching He was 24, now 75 years old as Lei Da Ping
Wu Chi-Chin as Hu Yiu Ding

Men from the Monastery Crew

Name Department
Chang Cheh as Director. He was 51 (79) years old when He died Directing
Ni Kuang as Writer. He was 38 (now 89) years old Writing
Men from the Monastery poster
Men from the Monastery (50 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, April 03, 1974
  • Runtime: 101 minutes