Michael Winslow: Comedy Sound Slapdown! 22 years old

Dogs barking. Feet squishing in soggy sneakers. Jet engines roaring. All ordinary, familiar sounds when they come from ordinary, familiar sources. How extraordinary when the source is Michael Winslow! With extensive film and stage credts including all seven "Police Academy" movies, Michael is not be missed. Recorded live, this video performance captures the master of 10,000 sound effects at his best!


Michael Winslow: Comedy Sound Slapdown! Cast

Name Character
Michael Winslow He was 43, now 66 years old as himself

Michael Winslow: Comedy Sound Slapdown! Crew

Name Department
Michael Winslow: Comedy Sound Slapdown! (22 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 2002
  • Runtime: 59 minutes