Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure! 10 years old

Teamwork Is The Ultimate Super Power!

Zoom! Wow! It’s Super Mickey, Wonder Minnie, Super-Power Pup, Super Goof, Dynamo Duck and Upsy-Daisy to the rescue! In an exciting adventure straight out of a comic book, Power-Pants Pete swoops down and starts shrinking everything insight down to teeny-tiny size. To save the day, Professor Von Drake transforms the Clubhouse Gang into super heroes with incredible powers. But Pete’s merely a sidekick; a wily villain named Megamort is the true mastermind behind the shrinky-dinky caper. Can our heroes outsmart the bad guys? Only by working together, with help from you… and the right Mouseketools! Packed with action, surprises and nearly two hours of fun – including three additional episodes – this Super Adventure celebrates the unstoppable power of teamwork and friendship.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure! Cast

Name Character
Tress MacNeille She was 62, now 73 years old as Daisy Duck
Corey Burton He was 58, now 69 years old as Prof. Ludwig Von Drake
Jim Cummings He was 61, now 71 years old as Pete
Russi Taylor She was 70, 75 years old when she died as Minnie Mouse
April Winchell She was 54, now 64 years old as Clarabelle Cow
Bill Farmer He was 61, now 71 years old as Goofy / Pluto
Tony Anselmo He was 54, now 64 years old as Donald Duck
Maurice LaMarche He was 56, now 66 years old as Mortimer Mouse
Rob Paulsen He was 58, now 68 years old as Toodles

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure! Crew

Name Department
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure! (10 years)

Teamwork Is The Ultimate Super Power!

  • Release day: Thursday, June 05, 2014
  • Runtime: 46 minutes