Mike Oldfield: Live at Montreux, 1981 43 years old

Despite the enormous success of his 1973 debut album TUBULAR BELLS, Mike Oldfield's first concert tour wasn't until 1979. His second, the European Adventure Tour in 1981, stopped in Switzerland for the Montreux Jazz Festival. The show sold out, the crowd was alive, and the atmosphere was electric!


Mike Oldfield: Live at Montreux, 1981 Cast

Name Character
Mike Oldfield He was 28, now 71 years old as himself

Mike Oldfield: Live at Montreux, 1981 Crew

Name Department
Geoff Kempin as Executive Producer. Production
Terry Shand as Executive Producer. Production
Claude Nobs as Executive Music Producer. He was 45 (76) years old when He died Crew
Claude Nobs as Production Director. He was 45 (76) years old when He died Production
Mike Oldfield: Live at Montreux, 1981 poster
Mike Oldfield: Live at Montreux, 1981 (43 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, July 05, 1981
  • Runtime: 113 minutes