Miniforce X (미니특공대X) 6 years old

Miniforce X

Zenos, who once made whole universe feared, has returned to Earth to take back his power. He exploits sadness of humans as his source of power. Zenos and his underlings, Dandandan trio bring all weird aliens to the earth. In order to defeat the annoying enemies, Miniforce is reborn as Miniforce X, armed with new “X Power” and “X bot”. Both old and new characters appear for a new season and support Miniforce, including Ray an ex-Miniforce member, and Jacky a monkey who admires Volt. Would Miniforce X can complete their mission this time too, against Zenos and the aliens? Go and watch!


Miniforce X Cast

Name Character
Shin Yong-woo He was 42, now 48 years old as Max

Miniforce X Crew

Name Department
Miniforce X poster
Miniforce X (6 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, March 22, 2018
  • Runtime: 66 minutes