Minnamurra 34 years old

Underrated leading man Jeff Fahey carries most of the dramatic weight of the Australian Wrangler. Fahey plays a handsome, athletic businessman who vies for the hand of rancher's daughter Tushika Bergen. Our hero must not only contend with his romantic rival, a dashing but dangerous cattleman, but also with a villainous creditor who craves the land left to Bergen by her late father. By nature of its plotline and setting, Wrangler can't help but invite comparisons to the popular The Man From Snowy River. Still, the stars and director Ian Barry keep up the appearances of freshness and originality


Minnamurra Cast

Name Character
Tushka Bergen She was 19, now 54 years old as Alice May Richards
Jeff Fahey He was 36, now 71 years old as Ben Creed
Frederick Parslow as James Richards
Shane Briant He was 43, now 77 years old as Allenby
Richard Moir He was 39, now 74 years old as Bill Thompson
Steven Vidler He was 29, now 64 years old as Jack Donaghue
Drew Forsythe He was 39, now 74 years old as Henry Iverson
Cornelia Frances She was 48, 77 years old when she died as Caroline Richards
Robert Alexander He was 267, 68 years old when he died as Officer
Sandy Gore She was 39, now 74 years old as Maude Richards

Minnamurra Crew

Name Department
Ian Barry as Director. Directing
Minnamurra poster
Minnamurra (34 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, August 17, 1989
  • Runtime: 93 minutes