Miss Lettie and Me 21 years old

Life does a 180-degree turn for bitter spinster Lettie (Mary Tyler Moore) when she takes in her 9-year-old grandniece, Travis (Holliston Coleman), in this Emmy Award-winning movie. Confused by her aunt's cold treatment, Travis attempts to uncover the reason for Lettie's self-imposed seclusion by befriending farmhand Isaiah (Charles Robinson) and Lettie's former beau Sam (Burt Reynolds). Can the three reawaken Lettie's long-gone love of life?


Miss Lettie and Me Cast

Name Character
Holliston Coleman She was 10, now 32 years old as Travis
Mary Tyler Moore She was 65, 80 years old when she died as Lettie Anderson
Burt Reynolds He was 66, 82 years old when he died as Samuel Madison
Irma P. Hall She was 67, now 89 years old as Rose Griffin
Charles Robinson He was 57, 60 years old when he died as Isaiah Griffin
Jackie Prucha as Polly
Sharon Blackwood as Bettina

Miss Lettie and Me Crew

Name Department
Katherine Paterson as Writer. She was 70 (now 91) years old Writing
Ian Barry as Director. Directing
Miss Lettie and Me poster
Miss Lettie and Me (21 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, December 08, 2002