Moby Presents: Alien Sex Party 21 years old

ALIEN SEX PARTY is a comic frenzy filled with sexual innuendo, music, science fiction and all combinations thereof. In an adult video store on Christmas Eve we join Joe (the befuddled owner who is terrified of his own merchandise), Adam (an employee who spouts indignation on all subjects) and Tina (a woman whose unabashed promiscuity lends itself well to the locale). There are also dancing security guards, mad bombers, Trekkies, porn-obsessed freaks, musical numbers, porn star cameos and appearences by executive producer MOBY, all proving that sex is not crime and that the Christmas spirit can be found anywhere, even in a video store.


Moby Presents: Alien Sex Party Cast

Name Character
Brian O'Halloran He was 33, now 54 years old as Clerk
Moby He was 38, now 59 years old as Dildo Head

Moby Presents: Alien Sex Party Crew

Name Department
Moby Presents: Alien Sex Party (21 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 23, 2003
  • Runtime: 87 minutes