Mod Fuck Explosion 30 years old

Mod Fuck Explosion

West Side Story meets Rumble in the Bronx meets A Clockwork Orange. Bizarre tale of London, a lonely teen yearning for affection and a leather jacket who lives in a dysfunctional family home where the mother keeps popping and sexually playing with her other child, X-Ray, a member of a gang of Mods who are constantly at war with a gang of Asian Bikers. Amidst this turmoil, London and her soul mate M16 search for meaning in a phantasmagoria without it.


Mod Fuck Explosion Cast

Name Character
Jon Moritsugu He was 29, now 59 years old as Kazumi (Biker)
James Duval He was 21, now 52 years old as Smack (Biker)
Bonnie Steiger as Mother
Bonnie Dickenson as Cherry (Mod)
Desi del Valle as M16
Justin Vivian Bond He was 30, now 61 years old as Amphetamine
Henry S. Rosenthal as Drummer

Mod Fuck Explosion Crew

Name Department
Jon Moritsugu as Director. He was 29 (now 59) years old Directing
Jon Moritsugu as Editor. He was 29 (now 59) years old Editing
Jon Moritsugu as Producer. He was 29 (now 59) years old Production
Jon Moritsugu as Writer. He was 29 (now 59) years old Writing
Todd Verow as Production Design. He was 27 (now 57) years old Art
Todd Verow as Cinematography. He was 27 (now 57) years old Crew
Henry S. Rosenthal as Producer. Production
Mod Fuck Explosion poster
Mod Fuck Explosion (30 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 1994
  • Runtime: 67 minutes