Mologa. Russian Atlantis (Молога. Русская Атлантида) 12 years old

This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages, one hundred and forty churches and monasteries, the ancient Russian city of Mologa went under water. An area of 4,600 kilometers was flooded. The deceased city carried away a secret that has not been solved so far.


Mologa. Russian Atlantis Cast

Name Character
Konstantin Balakirev He was 31, now 44 years old
Aleksandr Yakovlev He was 65, 70 years old when he died
Lev Durov He was 79, 83 years old when he died
Svetlana Ustinova She was 29, now 42 years old
Nina Loshchinina She was 26, now 39 years old
Egor Barinov He was 36, now 49 years old

Mologa. Russian Atlantis Crew

Name Department
Mologa. Russian Atlantis poster
Mologa. Russian Atlantis (12 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, November 06, 2011
  • Runtime: 53 minutes