Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura 7 years old

Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura

THE NEAL MORSE BAND, featuring MIKE PORTNOY, the 38 musicians on stage create a prog orchestra. Saturday night's performance of the Sola Scriptura album. Free from the constraints of studio recording deadlines, MORSE added any instrumentation he imagined, including live strings, a 5-piece horn section, and a 14-piece choir (in addition to background singers, and the vocals of the band). At the center is THE NEAL MORSE BAND: singer/guitarist/keyboardist Neal Morse, drummer Mike Portnoy, bassist Randy George, keyboardist Bill Hubauer and guitarist Eric Gillette.


Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura Cast

Name Character
Mike Portnoy He was 49, now 57 years old
Neal Morse He was 56, now 64 years old

Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura Crew

Name Department
Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura poster
Morsefest 2015: Sola Scriptura (7 years)

  • Release day: Friday, March 24, 2017
  • Runtime: 141 minutes