My dad's a pilot (Мой папа летчик) 11 years old

Lucy Ermakova works as a waitress in the officer's dining room of the flight garrison. Her son Valka dreams that he had a dad, and always a pilot. Lieutenant Colonel Ivchenko requires Lucy favor, because he helped her with the work, but the woman avoids it. She likes the catcher major. Once Valka runs away to the airfield and disappears. On searches of the child raise the whole garrison…


My dad's a pilot Cast

Name Character
Mikhail Tarabukin He was 31, now 43 years old
Marina Konyashkina She was 27, now 39 years old

My dad's a pilot Crew

Name Department
My dad's a pilot poster
My dad's a pilot (11 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 09, 2013
  • Runtime: 89 minutes