My Mummy is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill (Ma maman est en Amérique, elle a rencontré Buffalo Bill) 11 years old

Jean’s father is always busy at work, so he spends most of his time with his nanny Yvette and neighbour Michelle. His mother is away but nobody talks about her. Luckily Michelle is on hand to read postcards about Mum’s Wild West escapades and, even though they seem far fetched at times, they keep Jean happy. At school, the steel marbles Jean takes from his father’s factory are valuable playground currency but their removal has unexpected consequences. This delightful, bittersweet animated film, based on the best-selling children’s story by Jean Regnaud and Emile Bravo, is a joyous, thought-provoking tale about childhood loss and the need even for adults to hide from the truth at times. (Source: LFF programme)


My Mummy is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill Cast

Name Character
Julie Depardieu She was 39, now 51 years old
Marc Lavoine He was 50, now 62 years old

My Mummy is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill Crew

Name Department
Marc Boreal as Director. Directing
My Mummy is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill poster
My Mummy is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill (11 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 11, 2013
  • Runtime: 75 minutes