The film tells the story of four orphans living in an impoverished mining town. An adaptation of a best-selling book based on the diary of a ten-year-old zainichi (ethnic Korean Japanese) girl, it was one of the first films to deal with the subject of zainichi identity and struggles in Japan.
My Second Brother Cast
Name |
Character |
Taiji Tonoyama
He was 44, 73 years old when he died
as Hemmi Gengoro |
Hiroyuki Nagato
He was 25, 77 years old when he died
as Kiichi Yasumoto, eldest brother |
Kayo Matsuo
She was 16, now 81 years old
as Yoshiko, eldest sister |
Kô Nishimura
He was 36, 74 years old when he died
as Goro Mitamura |
Akiko Maeda
She was 24, now 41 years old
as Sueko, younger sister |
Shinsuke Ashida
He was 45, 84 years old when he died
as Sakai |
Takeshi Okimura
as Koichi, Nianchan |
Yoshio Omori
He was 50, 74 years old when he died
as Seki |
My Second Brother Crew