Myra Hindley. the Untold Story 11 years old

An in depth description of the lives of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, otherwise known as the Moors Murderers. It focuses on their relationship and the series of events that led to them murdering 5 children. A drama-documentary series about the life and crimes of Moors Murderer Myra Hindley. Exploring her turbulent childhood and relationship with Ian Brady.


Myra Hindley. the Untold Story Cast

Name Character
Laura Jones as Maureen Hindley

Myra Hindley. the Untold Story Crew

Name Department
Robin Anderson as Director. She was 20 (now 31) years old Directing
Myra Hindley. the Untold Story (11 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Runtime: 60 minutes