Naked States 23 years old

A humorous and provocative examination of one artist's dynamic work and its relevance within the cultural biography of America, documenting one man's journey as he traveled each of the 50 states to ask Americans of all races, shapes and body sizes to take off their clothes and pose in public, before his camera all for the sake of art. Artist Spencer Tunick's subjects are not paid models, but ordinary citizens. The film exposes America's current attitudes towards nudity, sexuality, body image, and all the other baggage that comes up when we take off our clothes.


Naked States Cast

Name Character
Trey Anastasio He was 36, now 60 years old as Himself (Phish)
Ron Kuby He was 44, now 68 years old as Himself (Tunick's attorney)
Spencer Tunick He was 33, now 57 years old as Himself (photographer)

Naked States Crew

Name Department
Naked States poster
Naked States (23 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 25, 2000
  • Runtime: 97 minutes