Naked Surrender 18 years old

Maisie Calloway, a sexy former policewoman, is now the owner of the hip club, Dames. When Ally, a sexy coed she employs confesses to being blackmailed, Maisie is plunged back into the world of investigation. As she unravels the dark erotic secrets around her, she puts her won life in danger.


Naked Surrender Cast

Name Character
Natalie Denise Sperl She was 28, now 46 years old as Maisie Calloway
Christine Nguyen She was 26, now 44 years old as Ally
Steven St. Croix He was 38, now 56 years old as Harper
Brad Bartram as Dan Calloway
Kirsten Price She was 24, now 42 years old as Shelly
Jeff Christian He was 36, now 54 years old as Ken

Naked Surrender Crew

Name Department
Naked Surrender poster
Naked Surrender (18 years)

  • Release day: Monday, August 14, 2006
  • Runtime: 95 minutes