Nantucket Film Festival's Comedy Roundtable 11 years old

In June at the Nantucket Film Festival, Ben Stiller brought together three of his funniest famous friends to talk seriously about comedy. Chris Rock and Jim Carrey joined Stiller on a panel moderated by Saturday Night Live‘s Bill Hader for the 4th Annual All-Star Comedy Roundtable.


Nantucket Film Festival's Comedy Roundtable Cast

Name Character
Bill Hader He was 34, now 46 years old as Host
Jim Carrey He was 50, now 62 years old as Panelist
Ben Stiller He was 46, now 58 years old as Panelist
Chris Rock He was 47, now 59 years old as Panelist

Nantucket Film Festival's Comedy Roundtable Crew

Name Department
Mark Farrell as Director. Directing
Nantucket Film Festival's Comedy Roundtable (11 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 27, 2012
  • Runtime: 45 minutes